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What is Website SEO


Website optimization (SEO) is the process of making sure that search engines see your site as relevant and useful for people searching on Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

This checklist will help you get started with basic SEO best practices.

There are several things you need to do to optimize your website for search engines. These include:

1. Make sure your title tags contain your targeted keywords.

2. Include descriptive text in your meta description tag.

3. Optimize your images by using alt tags.

4. Add a sitemap to your site.

5. Create a robots.txt file to tell search engine spiders what pages to index.

6. Link out to other websites that are related to yours.

7. Submit your site to directories and social media sites.

8. Monitor your rankings regularly.

9. Keep track of your analytics data.

10. Update your content frequently.

Title Tag

If you’re looking to improve your website’s SEO, start with these basics.

Meta Description

You should use meta description tags when creating a new web page or post. These tags appear at the top of search results pages (SERPs) and provide a brief summary of what the page contains. They also help Google understand what the page is about so it can better categorize it.


If you’re using WordPress as your CMS, there’s a plugin called Yoast SEO that will automatically add meta descriptions and keywords to each page. If you’re not using WordPress, you’ll need to manually enter these details into the HTML code.

URL Structure

You should use a hierarchical structure when creating URLs. This means that every page on your site has its own unique URL. For example, would be a good URL structure because it tells Google what the page is about.


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