Cray Digital
We’re Cray Digital Solutions and we make custom-built websites that help businesses achieve their goals.
We use WordPress, with a little bit of WooCommerce magic to give you a great website that works for you.
Your website is the number one tool for generating new customers for your business.
We make websites that work hard to help your business stand out and succeed.

Wordpress & Woocommerce Websites
Website & e-Commerce Solutions – Made Simple

Is Your Website Holding Up Your Sales?
Let Us Help You Get There Faster.
Wordpress Websites
WooCommerce Shop
Complete your website and sell online faster with WooCommerce. It’s perfect for anyone to start a new store or for those looking to start their next online business.
Analytics & Tracking
Search Engine Optimisation
Audit & Evolution
We will help keep your website up to date with the latest versions of software.
We’ll test and apply plugin and theme updates to your website.
Hosting & Domain Names

We want to learn about your business goals and where you’re headed – we want to get under the hood and completely understand your business.

We will build a pre-production version of your website so that we are able to agree on the structure, design and functions.

We will work with you to completely test your website before it launches so that you can be 100% confident once the site goes live.

We will take your new website live and complete all refinements required to ensure your website has optimal performance.
promises made
what we do
right on time
a secret or Two